Professional Experience

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Since Oct. 2020 Director of education B.Sc. Physics Leiden Institute of Physics, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands

Since Jan. 2010 Associate Professor (FOM-UHD) in Quantum Optics, Leiden Institute of Physics, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands

Nov. 2004 - Jan. 2010 Assistant Professor (FOM-UD) in Quantum Optics, Leiden Institute of Physics, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands

Oct. 2002 - Oct. 2004 Postdoc, Physics Department, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, USA
Advisor: Prof. Dr. D. Bouwmeester - Scholarship of the California Nanosystems Insitute (CNSI)

Apr. 2002 - Oct. 2002 Postdoc, FOM Institute AMOLF, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Advisor: Prof. Dr. A. Polman

Nov. 1997 - Apr. 2002 Ph.D. Student, FOM Institute AMOLF, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Advisor: Prof. Dr. A. Polman

Teaching Experience

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2019-present Statistical Physics 2, advanced statistical physics, elective for 3rd year B.Sc. students
2022 Nomimated for the teacher of the year award by students of the Faculty of Science, Leiden, The Netherlands
2018-2019 Physics Experiments 1, course focusing on complex impedance and Fourier optics for 2nd year B.Sc. students
2014-2018 Quantum Mechanics II, advanced quantum mechanics for B.Sc. students
2014-2021 Quantum Optics, advanced course on quantum optics for M.Sc. students
2012-2018 Fourier Physics; one week course on the use of Fourier series and Fourier methods in physics (with Prof. Dr. Tjerk Oosterkamp)
2005-2012 Research lab for 2nd year students on "Second harmonic generation"

23-09-2013 Bachelor Honours Colloquium "Quantum Entanglement and Quantum Information"
2013 2 lectures on "Metamaterials" for first year students
2008-2014 Optics, introduction to waves and optics for first year students
2010-2012 Labview, lab course on the basics of computer controlled physics experiments
2005-2008 Experimental Physics lab course for first year students; electrical conductivity and optics experiments
2000&2001 Guest lecture on "Two-dimensional photonic crystals" as a part of the solid state physics course of Prof. Cees Dekker, Delft University of Technology


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Ph. D. degree Experimental Physics, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
The work described in the thesis was performed at the FOM-Institute AMOLF, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Thesis: Silicon photonic crystals and spontaneous emission
Adviser: Prof. Dr. A. Polman



Doctoraal (M.Sc.) Experimental Physics, University of Amsterdam with highest disticntion "Cum Laude".

Thesis: Oil-water flow in a carousel
Shell Research and Technology Centre Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Supervisors: Dr. B.F.M. Pots and Dr. A.J.N. Vrenegoor

Thesis: Incorporation, excitation and de-excitation of erbium in crystal silicon
FOM-Institute AMOLF, The Netherlands
Supervisors: drs. P.G. Kik and Prof. Dr. A. Polman


Last updated 02/05/2025 22:24:03


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